Archive for the Info Category

Feb 5 2014

Taco Seasoning

So here is my recipe for Taco Seasoning. I make this all the time and usually use seed version and grind in my spice grinder (coffee grinder) or you can grind with mortal and pestle.


2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 1/2 teaspoons hot smoked paprika
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Mix all above together and add to your recipe (I will be posting some here in the near future).

You can also store this in an air tight container for a month or so.



Nov 22 2013

Bacon Wrapped Weenies



These were the Bacon Wrapped Weenies I made for the Board Game Night last weekend


1 Package of Bacon – Maple Flavored (Peppered would be good too)

1 Package Cocktail Weenies

About 1 lb of Brown Sugar

Tooth Picks



1. Heat oven to 350%

2. Cut Bacon into 3rds

3. Wrap Weenie with Bacon, Secure with Tooth Picks

4. Place in baking dish

5. Cover with Brown Sugar

6. Baste Weenies with Bacon Grease and Brown Sugar every 10 minutes

7. Bake for approx 30 -40 minutes

8. Get them quick because they went Fast!!








Jan 13 2012

First Post!!

This is my first Post, this blog is to record my cooking woahs and maybe pass on a little knowledge.

**Disclaimer **

I am not a trained chef or even a cook, I just got tired after 14 years in the Army of eating bad food and decided enough green eggs for me.

This is my attempt at eating better tasting food and providing for my new family.

If I get something wrong please let me know, Leave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and it will be accepted.
